Thursday, January 28, 2010


So I met up with someone that I met on a "platonic friends" site. He seemed nice, a bit of an odd bird, but nice. we started chatting and then he asked me out on a a legitimate date, not a hang out. definitely not expected, but ok, sure, whatever...i wasn't super excited, but i wasn't opposed either.

mr. wonderful suggested dinner. now we all know how i feel about dinner on a first date, but i said yes just the same. he suggested Tex Mex and Margaritas...a guy who was speaking my language. i'm always down for that. of ALL the Tex-Mex (Mexican) joints in the area, guess what type of classy joint he suggested....

are you on the edge of your seat yet? prepare yourself for this...we went to none other than Casa Ole. Yes, of ALL the places in this area to eat we went to the WORST place ever! I already knew this wasn't going to be the best, but I'm a sport and decided to just go with the flow.

The conversation was a little stiff. For some reason he had a hard time looking me in the face. I chock that up to three things
a. he was evil and i was too pure of heart...his evilness wouldn't allow him to look at me
b. my beauty was just too much for him to make direct contact
c. he was just WEIRD
i'm going to say option C. any way, this guy was a total winner. was divorced with a 5 year old, blatenly looking for a hook up, and talked about the need to party and "smoke" on a regular basis. keep in mind that he is 35. 

unfortunately i haven't figured out a polite way to duck out of a dinner date (another reason why you don't do a dinner date on the first date), so i stuck through the meal.

as our conversation progressed, he told me that his son had recently gotten into trouble for kissing kids in class. i thought this was going to open up to a cute, endearing story about his kid...instead it became an argument between mr. wonderful and me.

situation: the poor 5 year old kissed a girl and a boy. when his dad asked him why, he said that he liked kissing the girl and the boy too. of course my response was "that's cute"

him: "no its not, i told him he would be in big trouble if he ever kissed a boy again"
me: "why, he's 5...who cares?"
him: "no son of mine is going to like kissing boys"
me: "who cares? he's 5...besides, what would you do if your son was gay?"
him: "beat the crap out of him. we would have to fix that problem...." blah blah blah, more rants and CRAP about gay people. the hardships, the lack of acceptance, and that it was wrong followed up by bible passages, how gay people have the biggest issues, and every other terrible thing you could think of.

ok, i have said this before and i will say it again, i cannot date close minded people...EVER. I'm not going to defend good people because you're too close minded and live in a reality that doesn't extend past your nose.

I would rather be in a room full of "sinners" and "those people" than deal with more haters of the world. Seriously, there are enough problems out there in the world...why should we add to the negativity? If you want to call yourself a Christian, then you should treat ALL people with dignity and respect regardless of age, gender, race, socio-economic status, OR sexual orientation.

Any way, if you couldn't already tell, he really pushed my buttons. Needless to say, the "date" ended fairly quickly after that without any additional contact (there isn't enough tequilla in the world to have me do that one again). At least it was a free meal...crappy as it may have been.

Come to think of it, maybe he couldn't look at me due to option A...the evilness inside of him. Maybe he should go out with the hostess or the waitress they were both pretty into him...i think they may have been more his type any way.


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