Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Eyes of Texas are Upon You...

So, here's what I don't understand, too much interest means you're desperate, not enough mean you're not interested. guys, what's the balance?!

Ok, let me start at the begining. I was supposed to meet up with Alabama boy on Monday. He called that he was going to have to postpone to Tuesday because he had been helping a friend all day and he was still working on what ever man-building project they were doing. Ok, cool...I met up with a friend for coffee instead.

I started heading home when I noticed I missed a call from Alabama and decided to call him back. As we were chatting, we realized we were in the same neighborhood, and decided to go ahead and meet up for a quick drink and watch the Fiesta Bowl (hello, why waste a cute outfit?!).

First of all, he was VERY good looking (maybe that's why I'm bothered by this...hahahaha). Things were going well, but he was clearly tired (as in you could see it in his eyes, not in his disinterest). About 20 minutes into our "hang out" or pre-date he asked if I still wanted to do dinner on Tuesday. Why not? Things were going well, I liked his vibe, and we already made plans, so we might as well stick to them.

It started getting late, he said he was worried about me driving so far and said, why don't we end tonight and meet up earlier tomorrow. I agreed. He put my coat on me, held the door open, walked me to my car. I'm thinking, now this is a man who's mama raised him right. A true Southern Gentleman.

We said our goodbyes, and then he called me because he said he wanted to stay on the phone with me to make sure I got home ok. How sweet is that?! I get home, we say our good nights, and the conversation ends with him saying, "Ok sweetheart, have a good night and I'll call you tomorrow."

I'm sure you're thinking, what's the big deal? Things sound great to this point. My sentiments exactly! Not the case. Tuesday came, went, and I never heard from him! Before you jump to conclusions, I know he was busy (he had a few job interviews), so I called him around 5:30pm, no answer, so I left a message.

I worked on a couple of other things and an hour later I didn't hear from him. I called him again. Maybe I screwed that one up, but I did leave a message that was pretty easy going, "Hey, hadn't heard from you and just wanted to touch base before I headed back to Galveston. Let me know if you want to meet up or what's going on. Guess it's your turn to call me. Bye"

Wednesday came and went...still nothing. The guy has become MIA. Seriously...don't know where the H-E-double hockey sticks he went! The worry wart in me is like, is he even okay?! Maybe he wasn't interested, but here's what I don't understand:

1. Why sent up a date on the first date if you didn't want to go out with that person again? Here's the thing about a date. If you don't like the person, don't make a committment! Say, "We'll have to hang out again some time." Locking in a specific date or making set plans means you plan to hang out again.

2. Why bother calling me for almost an hour AFTER parting ways. Again, easy out is to not speak with me at all. Leave it as "I had fun, I'll talk to you soon" and that's that.

3. Why not answer the phone? He didn't even hit the "Ignore" button. At least if I had been Ignored I could say wow, he really didn't like me. I mean, if he was having second thoughts, he should have called me back, say, "I got caught up at work," "had an interview," "flew off to another planet," whatever and then follow up with a vague "we'll have to reschedule some time." (I should keep my mouth shut because now you know all of my excuses! hahahaha...

Now, why the title of this Blog? While everyone knows that I love the Longhorns, I'm asking you to help root for the Longhorns. No, this isn't about Texas Pride.

Apparently he has a bet for Steak Dinners with about 13 different guys. He's the Alabama boy who was talking smack about Texas and everyone else is rooting for the Longhorns. I think in regard to Karma, balance in the Universe, and the fact that "God don't like ugly," it would be quite fitting that, since he stood me up, he could be stuck with buying steak dinners for 13 different guys.

Granted, I do hope everything is ok and nothing major happened to him. He really seems like a good guy. In the mean time, Texas Better Kick some Alabama Butt!!! Just saying...


  1. HOOK EM! I don't care about football, but I care about karma!

  2. Hook 'em! Also, what are you doing Sunday night? That's my next off night from work more-or-less (scheduled until 7:15 pm).

    ~ Gwen

  3. This is all so bizzare. I don't know him well but am a little worried. I hope he's ok!

    No matter what, I have met some great guys and, while I'm still searching in the romance department, have made a few new friends along the way (maybe a new topic?)

    As for all of you out there in Blogger land, keep spreading the word. It's always great to hear your comments and know that you enjoyed reading. Thanks for all of your support gang!

  4. Totally feeling you , Z. It's a hard read in my book in understanding this guys MO, but if it was meant to be, it would be. It sounds to me like this guy was too much the gentlemen and wasn't real with how things were really going down. Southern gentle aside, but if it ain't happening, just be done with it, don't hold the other person in suspense.

    Hope the Longhorns won, I don't want karma to alabama boy's butt, cause that would be wrong .. but maybe a little hit to the wallet .. would be nice .. *devilish wink*
