Monday, January 4, 2010

a note to those married men out there

if you're not sure that you're ready to get married, then don't do it. in the recent month i have had a conversation with several married men who are unsure about their marriage. please know that i think they are all great and am in no way bashing them (so put your clubs away). i just think that we have put so much pressure on ourselves to be married that we're missing the bigger picture and rushing into a relationship.
life is about perspectives, if you're not sure about what you want then take a moment, breathe, and look at the bigger picture. in the end you're going to cause a lot more damage than good.

ok, that's my vent for today. it's a really random one, so you didn't receive an e-mail reminder :)


  1. Marriage is for quitters. =p

    ~ Gwen

  2. I'm tellin' ya! Don't get married until you're well after 30 guys. And please don't go to college looking for your M.R.S. degree 'cause you need to find yourself before you find you someone.

  3. Totally agreed ..Z ... Marriage isn't made for everyone .. If you feel the need to rush into one .. as you said .. take a step back and think it through .. but don't just think of it off and on .. really think of the other person .. where you are in life ... where they are in life ... the Chemistry ... all that and the other things that make a relationship strong .. if you see problems in the early stages ... weigh it out and see if it's workable in the bigger scheme and if it's not ... end it with grace .. being thoughtful that there is a human being on the other end of this equation.

  4. I agree with all the comments above...marriage should only be done when you really know who you are(typically in your 30's), and some people are not the marrying type.

    But my friends and I have another theory to add....for men its all about timing, and they get married only when they feel its time to, they could let go of their soul mate or perfect love if they don't feel ready...

    Women on the other hand, feel they are ready when they meet the right person.
