Monday, January 25, 2010

I still believe...

Those of you reading this blog get to see first hand my challenges of dating in today's world. You get to read about me being stood up, the weird requests, and the torture that my dates tend to turn into.

After being stood up on Friday (which the guy is MIA, but has been online...whatever), a friend asked me on Friday, "When was the last really good date you went on?"

After some laughter and sarcasm, I'm ashamed to say that I had to sit down and really think! I've had some good starts, but most dates fizzle or crash and burn...FAST! It's been quite a while since I had a really good date.

I sat down to analyze what's been going on in my life the past few months. I think I can pinpoint my "disaster dating" to a couple of things. First, in case you were wondering, I have been in love before. I found that person who "got me"...the one to call when you're having a bad day; the first one you want to call on a good day; and the one who thinks you look good, whether you're dressed up or sick on the couch. After losing someone like that, it takes time before we can move on.

We think we're ready, but there's a bit of healing that has to happen first...our heart has to catch up to our head.

I think that some times my bad dates are partially because my heart is still healing, so I pick people who are wrong for me. Fortunately, the way I see it, bad dates are still a way of putting yourself out there in a "safe way."

The second part is that we can never make age a reason for settling. I refuse to settle into a relationship with someone because I fear being alone. For those of you who have had a great relationship, I don't understand how you can settle. I mean, you know how good it can be.
I do think we should give people a shot because people surprise us; however, I also feel that we shouldn't just sit around with someone who treats us ok because people also suck and will take advantage of you if you let them.

While there is something to be said for arranged marriages and taking all the guess work out of the dating process, I don't know that I would change any of my bad experiences for the world. I still believe that I will find and when are just part of the unknown.

I take comfort in hearing all of your stories. It's always nice to know you're not alone! All of us are just living our lives, doing the best we can. When it comes to the quest for love...both to love and to receive love , the only absolute is that you have to put yourself out there.

No matter the relationship; yes, you're going to get burned, yes, you're going to get stood up on occasion, but you're also going to meet some amazing people along the way. Who knows, when the dust settles, you may find that you're more resilient than you thought you were.


  1. AWWWW Z...I still believe too!...AND I get every word you are saying! It's life and we just gotta go with the good and sometimes the really bad...hahahahah Love ya...T

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  3. and he is helping you to become stronger. Love is out there and when it finds you, it will be better than you could have ever imagined. Never settle for less and have an open mind.

  4. OMG I'm sorry to hear about getting stood-up! That's awful!!! =(



  5. Z - I love your blog. It's great to get a little insight and to hear the stories of your day-to-day. Keep believing. I dated a wonderful guy that really made me realize how good of a catch that I was. We only dated for a few weeks (long story) but I like to think that he "prepped" me for the man that I married. I think of him often and wonder how my life would be different had I married him (instead of my now husband). And although he was warm and gentle and gorgeous and thought I was all of those things too, I wouldn't change a thing. The man I married is the man of my dreams. We just never know why life takes the turns that it does. And you never know where or when you'll find love. I wish you the best in your searching. Enjoy the journey. And enjoy that fun feeling you get just before a first kiss. I miss that. After a few years of marriage you kind of take kissing for granted. :)

    Love ya,
