Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Spell Check and Grammar Check People!!!!

Online dating has really raised the bar for things like spelling and grammar. See, in person, someone may come across as interesting. On paper, your inability to grasp elementary grammar and spelling comes shining through like a mag light on your eyes in a dark forest or a laser pointer to your cornea...

Ok, I know that I'm being over-dramatic, but I'm always caught off guard by people who don't understand the difference between words like:
  • your and you're
  • their, there, and they're
  • to, two, and too
I'm so NOT perfect so I don't expect perfection from others...at all! However, after a few e-mails, when I realize that you really don't know the difference in the above words, it's really difficult to start thinking long term and dating. I guess as an almost English major, I would hope that someone I'm interested in dating would know the difference.
*Sidenote: maybe Dr. Pressman's Corporate Communications class screwed me up in ways that stretch far beyond my imagination*

I'm telling you, misuse of those words gets me every time. To those guys trying to impress me, definitely go for spell check and grammar check. An understanding of 6th grade grammar or a slight punctuation works wonders on this self-proclaimed geek (or Gleek as it would be)...

keep on reading, keep on rockin'...


  1. Ooh, I hate it when people do that. They'll spell it right but use it wrong. Blah.

  2. I'm an offender. Hooked on phonics worked for me (also, not having the common sense or humility to go back and check my work).



  3. Girrrl... me too! I have also often wondered if Dr. Pressman didn't ruin me for the world of online dating as well. Spelling and grammar can totally be a deal breaker.
