Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Quagmire a stud? try DUD...

and TOTAL creepy pervy guy? So apparently Glen Quagmire does exist in real life! I was supposed to have a date last week, but I was stood up (again). Now being stood up can take a toll on your confidence; however, I'd rather be stood up than even be in the same breathing space as some of these creeps.

Let me back up. A few weeks ago I reconnected with this guy I had met online but never met in person. Seems nice, seems to have his act together, so we start chatting. After some fun e-mail exchanges and decent chats, he asked me out. We agree to go out, I give him my number, didn't think to take his, and we make a plan to meet up at 6om at a particular location.

Well, it's 6:10 (I was running a little late), I get there only to realize the place closed. Ok, so, do I go home now? I decide to hang out at Borders and see if he calls. I mean, maybe he's running late and I have some good cupons for books (yes, we know I'm a nerd). I start reading a book and realize that it's 7:15pm and I haven't heard from the guy at all.

Of course I was annoyed, but, thanks to one of the lovely gay men in my life, I managed to go out and turn a bad night into a fun one. Well, the next day Quagmire IMed me, told me he forgot my number on his desk and didn't have a chance to call me. Ok, fair enough.

We then rescheduled for this week, last night to be exact. He got out of work before I did, so he was going to contact me. Now, I know you're thinking all sounds fine and you're probably wondering I don't get it, what's the big deal? 

Well, after saying he was going to contact me, he also suggested that we meet up for a drink (normal), followed by giving each other massages at a hotel (not so normal). He said he would invite me to his place, but didn't want his roommate (wife?) to hear us (riiight, like we're doing anything like that within 5 minutes of meeting).

Not only did the conversation get really weird after that, but he also sent me some special pictures. Needless to say, everything in my gut says ABORT! ABORT! I mean, why would I meet a stranger in his hotel room? I'm going to pass on being cut up into tiny little pieces.

He offered to help "make me more comfortable and we could just drink" but again, I'm going to pass on slipping anything in my drink too. All in all, it reminded me of watching Quagmire on Family Guy.

This self proclaimed 29 year old virgin should really learn how to treat a lady or find someone who is impressed by his ability to reserve a hotel room. This girl is not one of them.

Oh well, back to the drawing board. Until the next time!


  1. Actual virgin or do you proclaim him to be one? Sounds desperate and best avoided.

  2. At least you got to visit Borders. :)

  3. Well the tranny dating advice (yeah, there are dating advice sites for transwomen) usually goes, "meet him in a hotel room." I believe the idea is that most people leave their chainsaws and instruments of torture at home. Also, people tend to be on better behavior in (semi) public places like hotels.

    So, I don't think he intends any physical harm; he's just an asshole who wants easy sex and isn't even decent enough to lie about it.

    You're right to run away. I just posted a thought on my blog about the more "big picture" issue of women settling for too little. This guy... definitely too little (literally, I'd be willing to guess, lol!)

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on the "settling" debate going on as a result of Lori Gottlieb's book "Marry Him". I believe some of your posts have touched on the issue, but there might be more to say...



  4. Also, there's a reason why he's so Giggity. He doesn't understand that for him, no matter which woman is silly enough to fall into his lovetrap, sex is likely to involve about 15 seconds of hard effort, 15 minutes of crying, and 15 years of therapy.

  5. Your blog is awesome! I started online dating a few months ago and I can definitely relate to your stories. I once had a guy start chatting with me online and after 5 minutes of normal conversation, he said, "well, I really only said hi to you because you have hot boobs". AHH! Anyway, just wanted to tell you I totally sympathize, but I like you, I'm stilling putting myself out there (even though at times I'd rather have spent the night at home with a bottle of wine!)

  6. I am so happy you have not been chopped up into tiny pieces!
