Thursday, February 25, 2010

the Groundhogs day of dating...

Ok, so I went out with one of the southerners. First I need to learn better than to be so kind to guys.
Any way...we decided to go out on Monday since I was going to be in Victoria for the week. I work in Houston, he lives in SW Houston and I live in Galveston.

While we should have met in the middle, he wasn't feeling well, so I made the drive to his hood (in BFE). We met for coffee and had a decent time. Two beverages and four hours later we parted ways with plans for dinner on Sunday.
Tuesday we chatted ALL day long about nothing really. Now, towards the end of the day I could tell he was in a weird place. Maybe he's not completely over his ex, I don't know.

Wednesday he was super quiet. We chatted for 2 minutes...he said he was sick and going through "things" Of course I thought "oh great, here we go again..."

Sure enough its Thursday and nada! To make it better he unfriended me on Facebook. I'm understanding how women get jaded or give up. With all these fruits and nuts I would compare my dating life to a fruit cake!

I decided to text him (since I'm in meetings all day) and say that I was going to stop bugging him, let him deal with his stuff, and I'm giving him his space to "deal with his issues."

Of course its 6hrs later and still no response. So much for his claim of being honest and upfront with people. Oh well, at least there's a good weekend in Corpus to look forward to.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Southern Hospitality

So, I have met...well, virtually met, two really sweet guys. I have a date with them in the next week, but I digress. So, there are two guys who are from different areas and are different ages, but both want the same things out of life.

These two southern gentlemen want to own a home in the country (far away from the city), with 1-4 kids, and a wife that stays at home. It’s bizarre to have very similar conversations about marriage and the future with people you don't really know and who don't know each other.

From a sociological perspective, it's actually pretty funny to see how much a thought or an ideal is the dominant thought in a particular area. These, super sweet, great guys, couldn't be more southern if they tried.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all about living in a small town to raise my kids in, but as a single gal, I'm not jumping to the burbs or the country tomorrow. I love spending some time in the country, but my time in Venus, TX taught me that I need to be a little closer to city life, to large amounts of diversity, and to all the energy that a city can bring.

One is probably not going to work, but the other seems to have some serious potential. Either way, can’t wait to hang out with them in person...

Until the next time!

Can we have it all?

So, if any of you are on the Yahoo Homepages, you may have seen an interview/article about Lori Gottlieb and her new book: Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough.

Now, my gut reaction was…SERIOUSLY?! I mean, here we are in 2010 telling teens not to settle while telling women that it’s ok to settle the older you get. I read a few articles by and about her, and, from what I have read, she basically saying that I have a high chance of finding someone to settle for at 30 than I ever will at 40.

Now, I’m not unrealistic about my stock and the guys out there. I don’t think I have idealistic expectations, but I also find it hard to settle. I mean, you have read about some of the guys I’ve dated. Could you imagine me marrying any of them?!

The only part I really agreed with is the last few paragraphs of one article. She says that we should never stop looking for Mr. Right, but that we’d be happier if we changed our perception of who he is. I agree with that. I mean, we have a list, but as we get older, our priorities should change.

Marriage and relationships are hard enough without adding the fact that you’re mildly interested in the person you’re with. Don’t get me wrong, we can and should compromise (I know I’m no picnic 100% of the time), but I just can’t imagine marriage without any sizzle.

I don't bash Lori at ALL and don't think others should, she's just a single mom voicing her opinions. What I will say is that, while we compromise on the perfect abs, rock star good looks, or seven figure salary, we definitely need to know where to draw the line.

This single girl knows the sparks may wear off, but it’s still important to find someone who, 20 years down the road, will still make her smile.

Valentine's Day is for...lovers?

I think that all Valentine’s Days should be on Sunday…ok, stop rolling your eyes and hear me out.

This year, Valentine’s Day fell on a Sunday. I LOVED it. As a single person, there was no pressure to go out and do something. I spent Valentine’s Day catching up on sleep and went to mass in the evening. I didn’t have a Valentine, although I think I’ve only had one Valentine, and that was a gay boyfriend in college (figures).

For those who did have a significant other to celebrate with, Sundays are usually a relaxed day. You can celebrate Saturday night, Sunday with Brunch, meals, movies, etc. I think the general laid back vibe of Sundays takes the pressure off of the perfect gift and puts the focus on where it should be by providing the opportunity to slow down with the ones you love.

In fact, this year, some of the best things about Valentine’s Day were the phone calls/texts I received…especially the Valentine’s Day Song from one of my closets friends. I felt special, not because of a guy, but because I knew I was and felt that I was loved.

I don’t think this is a jaded girl ranting about Valentine’s day as much as the fact that we need to take the opportunity to get to the root of the day…a day for those in love to express their love for each other with small sentimental tokens of your love rather than jewelry, crazy lingerie, or any other ridiculous items.

For those singletons out there, remember that you may be single, but you’re definitely NOT alone...

Until the next post!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Quagmire a stud? try DUD...

and TOTAL creepy pervy guy? So apparently Glen Quagmire does exist in real life! I was supposed to have a date last week, but I was stood up (again). Now being stood up can take a toll on your confidence; however, I'd rather be stood up than even be in the same breathing space as some of these creeps.

Let me back up. A few weeks ago I reconnected with this guy I had met online but never met in person. Seems nice, seems to have his act together, so we start chatting. After some fun e-mail exchanges and decent chats, he asked me out. We agree to go out, I give him my number, didn't think to take his, and we make a plan to meet up at 6om at a particular location.

Well, it's 6:10 (I was running a little late), I get there only to realize the place closed. Ok, so, do I go home now? I decide to hang out at Borders and see if he calls. I mean, maybe he's running late and I have some good cupons for books (yes, we know I'm a nerd). I start reading a book and realize that it's 7:15pm and I haven't heard from the guy at all.

Of course I was annoyed, but, thanks to one of the lovely gay men in my life, I managed to go out and turn a bad night into a fun one. Well, the next day Quagmire IMed me, told me he forgot my number on his desk and didn't have a chance to call me. Ok, fair enough.

We then rescheduled for this week, last night to be exact. He got out of work before I did, so he was going to contact me. Now, I know you're thinking all sounds fine and you're probably wondering I don't get it, what's the big deal? 

Well, after saying he was going to contact me, he also suggested that we meet up for a drink (normal), followed by giving each other massages at a hotel (not so normal). He said he would invite me to his place, but didn't want his roommate (wife?) to hear us (riiight, like we're doing anything like that within 5 minutes of meeting).

Not only did the conversation get really weird after that, but he also sent me some special pictures. Needless to say, everything in my gut says ABORT! ABORT! I mean, why would I meet a stranger in his hotel room? I'm going to pass on being cut up into tiny little pieces.

He offered to help "make me more comfortable and we could just drink" but again, I'm going to pass on slipping anything in my drink too. All in all, it reminded me of watching Quagmire on Family Guy.

This self proclaimed 29 year old virgin should really learn how to treat a lady or find someone who is impressed by his ability to reserve a hotel room. This girl is not one of them.

Oh well, back to the drawing board. Until the next time!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Spell Check and Grammar Check People!!!!

Online dating has really raised the bar for things like spelling and grammar. See, in person, someone may come across as interesting. On paper, your inability to grasp elementary grammar and spelling comes shining through like a mag light on your eyes in a dark forest or a laser pointer to your cornea...

Ok, I know that I'm being over-dramatic, but I'm always caught off guard by people who don't understand the difference between words like:
  • your and you're
  • their, there, and they're
  • to, two, and too
I'm so NOT perfect so I don't expect perfection from all! However, after a few e-mails, when I realize that you really don't know the difference in the above words, it's really difficult to start thinking long term and dating. I guess as an almost English major, I would hope that someone I'm interested in dating would know the difference.
*Sidenote: maybe Dr. Pressman's Corporate Communications class screwed me up in ways that stretch far beyond my imagination*

I'm telling you, misuse of those words gets me every time. To those guys trying to impress me, definitely go for spell check and grammar check. An understanding of 6th grade grammar or a slight punctuation works wonders on this self-proclaimed geek (or Gleek as it would be)...

keep on reading, keep on rockin'...

Would you send your mom those photos? How about your grandmother?

Online Daters be warned...

There's nothing worse than a guy that you start chatting with online, you really hit it off, and then he surprises you with "special photos"

These photos are usually titled things like, "Just Me" or "Something Special For you." To all readers, be VERY careful when and if you decide to open those photos. They aren't quite as sweet as they seem. In fact I find that 90% of the time, when a guy sends you a "special photo" its usually of him in his birthday suit. Why I want to see that is so far beyond me. Where the hell does that seem like a good idea?!

Here I am, just checking e-mails, excited to receive a special e-mail from someone I might be interested in and then...BAM! I'm blindsided. Here's my thing, if you have to surprise someone with these types of photos, you probably shouldn't be sending them. Besides...are you really that proud of your *Ahem* shortcomings?

Take this gal's advice, just wait until you're in a relationship with someone to give them that kind of "surprise." In fact, I recommend that, if you can't show that photo to your grandmother, you should probably avoid sending them to strangers altogether...with the exception of those who get paid to do that sort of thing, then more power to you!

until the next time!

Can't get no love...

not even in my sleep...seriously!

So, I was in the middle of a great dream. I had met Mr. Perfect...I couldn't see the face, but I remember that he was tall-ish, dark curly hair, tattoos, and a musician (of course). Just as things were working out my dad woke me up (before the alarm at that!). Do you have any idea how much that sucks?!

Oh well, at least I've met Mr. wonderful in my dreams. Now, if only I could meet him in person...