Wednesday, September 23, 2009

*sigh* Yes, I'm Catholic...*sigh and rolling eyes* Yes, I go to Church

Well, I'm still here...hope you're enjoying my little blog. It's really nothing major but a funny way to update you on my dating life and, if you're bored, give you a good laugh.

So, as you know, I work in Youth Ministry. Well, my latest meet up is someone who wants to leave his full time job to get into ministry (be careful what you wish for!). The first e-mail he sent me talked about how much he loved God and loved Praise and Worship Music.

I'm still trying to figure out why guys feel the need to jump into what I call "God Talk" aside from it being a way to break the ice. Any way, I get all sorts of questions and statements on a regular basis. So much so that there have been times when theological discussions have ensued at the bar (not so bad when you get someone to get involved in his or her faith life again).

For your reading pleasure, I have decided to give you a list of the top 10 statements and questions others feel the need to ask:
1. You must be really religious, do you go to church every Sunday?
   A: Um...if you belong to a particular faith, it's a good idea to practice it. I kinda have
       to practice what I preach any
2. Are you studying to become a nun?
   A: Nope
3. I've heard about you Catholic must be "fun" (said with creepy look)
   A: Well I am a fun person, but if you're looking for a hook up...good luck buddy
4. I really like all types of music, especially Praise and Worship, how about you?
   A: Um...well, anyone who knows me knows that I lust John Mayer (hahahaha), I also like
       blues, jazz, rock, hip hop, R&B, classical, opera, musical theater, and the list goes on.
       Yes, I can listen to hip, its not Christian Rap
5. So, you must be really conservative...
   A: Define Conservative? I think I fall more on the liberal end though...
6. How do you feel about Muslims?
   A: dad is one of them :) Dude, seriously...they aren't all killers and, if I
       remember correctly, weren't the crusades lead by Christians? Were Nazi's Muslim?
7. What's your take on "gays" (I HATE THAT ONE)
   A: I love the gays, I mean, hellooooo...
       Now if you're asking about my stance on gay marriage and gay rights, I say why
       not? Then again...I'm never going to tell my best friend he shouldn't get married to
       his Boyfriend. Oh, you think gay people are going to Hell? Yeah...that's the end of
       our date
8. How can you be Catholic? Aren't priest pedephiles?
   A: How can you have friends? Aren't you an ass?, seriously, I hate that question
        even if its supposed to be a joke
9. Maybe you can make me go to church?
   A: Well if you want to join me some time, sure...there's always plenty of room.
        sidenote: Why is this supposed to impress me?
10. And my favorite: I was Catholic once, but the church is full of hypocrites/I wasn't
     getting anything out of mass
    A: The church is full of human people. We're all hypocritical at some point in our fact, you've probably gotten that from a friend. Does that stop you from
         meeting new people?
    A: If you aren't getting anything from mass, 1. What are you putting into it? 2. What
        are you doing to make a change? 3. Why don't you find a parish/mass time that you
        like better?

Hope you got a good laugh. Don't worry, there are plenty more of those statments!

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