Monday, September 21, 2009 dating

well, i'm officially on my free 6months of Dr. Phil is staying true to his promise, so I'm trying to stay open minded.
Obviously I didn't meet any keepers during my "paid time" and the free stuff isn't looking much better. Then again, you get what you pay for in life! hahahaha...
Here's the thing about online really just don't know what you're going to get. i mean, you think a guy is going to be decent then you realize the pictures he posted were about 15 years old. you go looking for one person only to find an older less fun version of himself.
we met up for dinner (hey, he's paying and a girls gotta eat). total friends vibe. i have to say, i think he was a little disappointed, but hey, at least i look like my photos. to make matters worse, i come to find that he has no ambition, doesn't like his job but is too unmotivated to do anything about it, and is a jaded male who swears his friends "put him up to it." I mean, he was nice enough, but I wasn't feeling it. I wasn't really attracted to him (we all know I'm psuedo shallow), the things I found interesting, he thought were boring, and, while the date conversation was decent, there was definitely a "just friends" vibe. over all, I'd give the date:
3 stars for food
3.5 stars for conversation
2 stars for romantic vibes
would I go out with him again? nah, probably not...I hope he finds someone he's looking for


  1. HAVE to be attracted to someone to date them ( I learned this the hard way ), so I just want to remind you that you're not shallow, not even pseudo-shallow :)

  2. I have to agree with Anne on this one. Attraction at least a little is important. It doesn't have to be instant but it does have to be present. I think most peope feel this way. No settling!!! Not shallow!

  3. This is why I love you girlies!!! hahahaha...
