Monday, October 12, 2009

Guys are...

a pain in the arse and more confusing than they are worth. seriously, i'm starting to wonder why we even bother. then it meet someone, you make a connection, and the games start all over again...

well, i had a coffee thing on friday night. it was very impromptu; fortunately i had a cute dress on (SO wouldn't have gone other wise). it was a GREAT hang out, we ended up chatting for a few hours, and now i'm in the inevitable gray area of waiting. the mini-date went well. i had a blast, showed a lot of promise, and then he says he got sick on saturday.

now, i do know his throat was hurting him on Friday, but, here's where the confusion comes into play. good date on Friday night that ended with a kiss (the chemistry was really that good), but that's all. no major juicy story there. Being a guy, he wanted to do more...i said no thanks. he acted a little weird, then seemed ok. we texted each other on Saturday and he did call, everything seemed normal. we texted a little less on Sunday and he said he just didn't feel well and he "needed time to heal"...yes, that's a direct quote. then yesterday, nothing. so we'll see (I hate the waiting game)...i'm thinking cut my losses and move on.

why is it that we have to play this cat and mouse game. i can promise you that, if i don't call, text, or e-mail him for a few days he'll suddenly start contacting me. if i call him up to say hi, i'll become the crazy chick/too needy/blah blah blah.

here's what i honest up front. if you want to call someone, call them. if you're looking for a hook up, then don't pretend you're looking for a relationship (that's a whole new blog entry), etc

in my opinion, games are SO over rated. that is THE fastest way to get me to lose interest. oh well...thanks for reading and i'll keep you posted on if we see a second date.


  1. TMI! Sore throat! That's how germs get passed!

  2., it's not from being sick. besides, i should be more afraid of all these people walking around with "swine flu" in my building, at church, and at Ball High.
