Thursday, March 4, 2010

Self Reflection - Day 1 of 30

So, it’s time for a new blog entry. I don’t have any dates planned, but I’m going to see what the future holds.

After a long conversation with a dear friend this past weekend, I was posed with the question, “what are you doing? You’re right, you can’t get those hours of your life back, so why are you wasting time on guys that can’t treat you the way you deserve to be treated.” Funny enough, a few hours later I had another conversation with a friend who asked if I was dating for the sake of blogging or if I was dating because I was genuinely interested.

I think that the bad dates and experiences were a way to put myself out there without having to worry about any real substance. You know, it’s dating, but only 50% rather than 100%. C’mon, I’m not an idiot…I know when a guy is a dud. I still believe in giving everyone a chance; however, some of the not-so-great-dates are more about me than them.

I’ve decided to scale back on these dates. The blog is about putting myself out there; however, it’s also about sharing a piece of who I am with all of you on this journey to self discovery and fulfilling what I’m called to do in this life.

I still have profiles on the online websites, but after the last “date” I figured that I have had enough. I am not going to actively pursue anyone for the rest of lent. So, for the next 30 days, I’m going to spend my energy on other things like prayer, making sure the teens in my post-confirmation class make these service projects happen, and just spending time with people I love rather than people I tolerate.

It doesn’t mean that I’m going to stop writing a blog, and it definitely doesn’t mean I’m going to stop dating (HELLO, this is me we’re talking about), it just means that it’s time to take a step back and be still.

After all, how can we appreciate the beauty of the season of Lent without some quite and reflection?


  1. So for Lent you gave up dating? NIce.

    But maybe you should give up something else too? :)

  2. lol...i gave up and am doing other things for lent. this just happens to fall at a good time. :)

  3. You often find what you are looking for when you stop looking. I hope everything works out for you. Good Luck!
