Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 9 of 30

So here we are, Day 9 of 30. I have not been on a date in a little while…although, now that sentence makes me sound like an addict. Hahahaha…
Let me make it official, Hi, I’m addicted to online/bad dates, it’s been 18 days since the last one. Hahahaha…

Seriously, I thought I’d give you a quick update on how things are progressing. It is liberating to not have to sit in another bad date, to know that I can focus my energies else where, and to know that I’m taking the stand to say, “I want more and I deserve better.”
On the flip side, Mr. Louisiana randomly called me today. I think it shows signs of my progress. It's like guys have a radar for these things. Just when you're moving on, they want to call you. Fortunately, I'm so far beyond this one that there's nothing he can say for his odd behavior.

Here are some random thoughts from the last 9 days:

I need the quiet. I don’t mean that I need to sit in a place all by myself every day, I just need down time. Lately I’ve had the opportunity for a lot of quiet time, and it has really helped. If you haven’t taken time out of your day, no matter what time it is, to just be still and be in that moment, try it. If you’re uncomfortable with being so still, start small…it works

I hate text messaging, I do. While it is convenient, I’m so tired of people texting me. More specifically, I can’t stand it when a guy is interested in you but only wants to text. Text messaging is fine on occasion, but if it’s your primary means of communication, it becomes more annoying than any thing else. No one can develop a relationship via texts.

I want to meet the guys from the Buried Life…they inspire me, they decided to try something and they made it happen.

Of course we don’t fast from something without putting something else in its place. I’ve been praying the rosary on a daily basis as well as a 30-day novena to St. Joseph. I can say that I’m feeling more centered and more at peace with what’s going on right now.

Additionally, there are some big changes and moves on the horizon. I’m excited where life is heading and look forward to seeing what else life has to offer.

1 comment:

  1. I've been on a couple of dates with a guy who sends me an overwhelming number of texts every day. He says he prefers the written word to the spoken... I say, lay off the texts!
