Thursday, April 28, 2011

what do texts, walks, and bars have in common?

So I went out with this guy who was seemingly into me. He told me how much he liked me, there was plenty of flirtatious talk, and I was just trying to take things one step at a time. We were definitely walking the line between dating and friendship, but it looked like we were starting to go more into the dating world.

Well, everything seemed fine and then, seemingly out of the blue, I received a text message that said we should just be friends. There were a few more text messages sent back and forth, but it was more me being quite straight forward and a little bit of "you're loss" mixed in there.

I of course did the female beat up of, "what's wrong with me, what did i do wrong, how should i have played this differently." I had a few days of beating myself up and then got over it. I couldn't understand how someone who was so into you could suddenly flip a switch. Then, on Tuesday, I had an epiphany...he must have met someone but didn't want to say anything. I mean, it's not like we were exclusive.

Well, sure enough, my guy instinct was correct! I was walking to the train last night, as so many New Yorkers do. I passed a good amount of bars (it IS New York City), managed to look up, and noticed that he was in a bar with another girl...

Not to sound like a whiney or jaded girl, but how did I get to be so good at picking the wrong ones for me?

1 comment:

  1. "you're loss" Zahrah!!!!!

    And picking the wrong ones. Let's not even start on that. :) Love you! Much needed Texas therapy in a few weeks! Can't wait!
