Thursday, April 28, 2011

no wonder guys are so screwed up!

seriously! I recently read a GQ article giving advice to men, suggesting that they barter sexual favors for helping out at home. When will you guys realize that women don't work like that?!

The article suggests that men should barter...

"I'll do the dishes if you'll have sex with me later"
"I'll help the kids with their homework and you give me a bj later"
"What's a trip to the grocery store going to get me?" know what it's going to get you?! food, that's what it will get you.

When will men realize that women are far more emotional than physical. I mean, this isn't something new and it isn't rocket science. Men, if you do the dishes, help the kids, go to the store, etc without your wife nagging you, you're not goin to get extra loving because you had to barter your way through. She'll love you because you did those things which means it's one less thing for her to stress about, she has a little more energy because she wasn't around doing the job of 10 people, and it just reminds her why she loves you so much.

If you're complaint is that you want more action then do things for her before she asks. After all, the rules of childhood haven't changed. If you wanted to get on your mom's good side, you made sure to do something nice for her (such as clean your room).

Yes, it is a type of bartering, but it's less an act of formal bartering/salesmanship and more about acts of a loving relationship.

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