Thursday, April 28, 2011

how shallow am i?

so, i know that we have a long list of qualities we want to find in Mr. or Ms Right, but, while we're on the search for the right person for us, our list changes. As I've gotten older, I've tried to shrink my list to five things.
1. Good Sense of Humor
2. Catholic
3. Loves music
4. Family Person
5. Nice eyes/smile

seems like a good list on paper. Now there are some other pieces, like, he needs to be able to have a real conversation, i can't stand when people write "your" instead of "you're", when they complain about EVERYTHING, etc. Lately, I've realized how, no matter how much you try to shrink that list, you can't really keep it down to a list of 5.

 superficial and shallow I can be.

I am a self proclaimed sizest. No, I don't mean in the sense of package or weight, but definitely a height sizest. I know I'm not that tall (5'4" on a good day), but I can't really date a guy who's shorter than 5'10"

You're probably laughing at me right now, but it's true. The other day I went out with a nice guy, he's a lawyer, he was chatty, and he thought I was a bit of a catch, but the entire time I kept thinking...he says that he's 5'8" but there's not a snowball's chance in hell that he's over 5'6". I wasn't feeling the chemistry and then the height just kept bugging me.

I guess the fact that most of my family is vertically challenged makes me want to give my future kids the best height chances they can get!

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