Monday, October 19, 2009

another one bites the dust...

or so that's where i'm pushing him. the date from last friday, while really nice, isn't going the way i had hoped. we had a few text messages this week, were both too busy this week to hang out and both out of town this weekend.
while it's no big deal, here's my thing on dating. if you're interested in someone...i mean really interested, you should at least send an "i'm thinking about you" text. it's not that hard.
i feel like i'm in a cut the crap phase of my life right now. i don't have time for children posing as grown men. the bad thing is this badass attitude is probably a result of me being in NYC. see what even a few moments up here
seriously though, why should girls stick around for guys who make them feel any less special than they are?


  1. OK, but just to play the devil's advocate here... excessive text messaging seems sort of... On the other hand, I tend to have a sort of an absurd machiavellian Gordon Gecko business-type attitude toward these things (i.e. "don't text her first it's a sign of weakness!")

    Basically, you're right... ;)

  2. i agree with your "don't text first"
    it becomes a waiting game to see who will contact who first...such a pain.
