Tuesday, October 13, 2009


so i was online last night checking e-mails from an online dating site when i received an IM. the guy wasn't my type, but seemed nice, so i figured i'd go ahead and keep chatting him up. all was fine and dandy until the following conversation happened:

me: oh, sorry to hear you had a tough day, hope it gets better
him: thanks. so...do you want to see more pictures of me?
me: um...no, i'm good
him: i have a webcam
me: good for you...
him: i'm 11", you can see for your self
me: nope, i'm good, thanks. i think i have to go
him: so, i guess you're just looking for friends
me: what makes you say that?
him: well, guys on here are only after one thing. if you're not going to get into it then you're just looking for friends
me: so basically, because i dno't want to see you, hook up with you, etc. i'm just looking for friends
him: yep. so...you want to see my webcam?
me: good bye
him: wait...where are you going?
him: what happened?
him: i thought you were interested. you have a pretty smile
me (in my head)...oh, because THAT makes ALL the difference in the world.
I log off and now have a funny story to write for your entertainment today.

For those of you who aren't single, consider yourself lucky. For those of you who are and feel my pain, when did guys get to be so..."interesting"
i'm starting to wonder where can you meet a decent guy out there? the dating scene sure does change as you get older. the only problem is that women are maturing and men are still looking for the nearest hook up. oh well, until the next installment!

1 comment:

  1. ZAHRAH!!!!!!!! I feel your pain!!!! Why are there so many guys out there that just don't get it? I am 30 and I am still looking. All my friends are either married or have someone special in their life so it is hard to go out with them and find someone. They always want to go out to eat when we go out, so it's kind of hard to find a guy while I'm sitting down at Olive Garden stuffing my face with bread sticks and pasta! LOL....we should start a singles club!!!!

    Amy Grant =0)
