Friday, July 23, 2010

You are Beautiful

yes, Xtina said it best when she reminded us that we are all beautiful.

So I was out on the town, I thought I looked cute, and I got to catch up with all sorts of friends. Then around 1am I started chatting with a guy. He was cute enough, liked him as a new friend, but that was about it.

So he had a nice dose of truth serum and had reach the point when people "stop being nice and start being real." The conversation started harmlessly enough. We chatted about how much fun we were having, he said I was a cool gal, liked my personality, etc. I'm thinking it's been a fun night with old and new friends. But remember, this is me, it's never that easy.

After another shot and a few more gulps he turned to me and said, "you know, you would be so gorgeous if you just lost like 20lbs."

Two things came to mind
1. "Go F&%$ Yourself"
2. Is he being for real?! I mean, the only situation going on in your mid section is a few left over beers

Now, I will say that it wasn't the first time someone has said that to me. Let's be honest, of course I can afford to lose weight. I mean, it doesn't help that I gained weight moving back to of supersized food and the first parking spot, but why do people feel the need to inform you of your weight?

I mean, I'm a decently active person, I've been at least the chubby kid my entire life, and I'm not overly crazy on the junkfood (minus the sweets). At the end of the day, it's about a healthy life and a healthy mindset. If you know me, you know that my main motivation to lose weight is for better clothes; at the same time, clothes is not enough of a motivator to get me to spend hours at the gym or only eat salads (don't worry, I do a little of both).

We are regularly bombarded with images, people, and our own selves pressuring us to look a certain way. For me, especially as I approach 30, I say screw it all. I am not looking for acceptance or approval. I refuse to read any more fitness articles...I know all the exercises and I'm still not going to spend hours at the gym. I might Zumba, but then I might take a few weeks off.

I am trying to challenge myself to see the good. I am working on being happy with who I am rather than stressing about the numbers on the scale (even though it is nice to see the numbers go down).

At the end of the day, the people closest to me, and most gay men in New York City, would say that I am perfect the way that I am. I am fabulous and deciding to become "gorgeous by losing at least 20lbs" is someone else's problem, not mine.

Besides, the one for me isn't sticking around because of what the numbers on my scale are or aren't. I'm going to leave with the chorus of one of my favorite Sister Hazel songs.

You've probably heard the song Change Your Mind, but here's the best part (and if you haven't heard the song do it)
If you want to be somebody else
If you're tired of fighting battles with yourself
If you want to be somebody else
Change Your Mind

Never let anyone make you feel less than the BEAUTIFUL you that you are. Until the next entry

1 comment:

  1. Zarah,

    I had someone tell me that once too and i was dating him! Well we didn't last long after that. We were in a conversation about something and all of a sudden he told me I would look a lot prettier if I lost about 20 pounds!!! I was speechless and didn't know what to say, so I just changed the subject. I should have stopped my car and pushed him out. LOL Oh well its better to find someone that likes you for you and not what we look like!

    Amy Grant
