Friday, July 23, 2010


we have heard all the stories of bad pictures going online. I get it, put your best foot forward and then do a bait and switch. Whatever, i personally don't because i like someone to know what he's in for, but i also tend to be too honest.

Here's what I don't get....why all the shirtless pics guys?! Does it really help you find "the one?!" because you sure are missing out on this nice girl. Here are some other tips from me to you

1. Don't use the words like "ma," "mami," "yo" or "check ya laterz, peace" - has this really worked for you?! Because no, I'm not gonna "kick it witch u" or "holla back" or "hit you up on the celli later"

2. If you are married, dating, in a "special situation" or in an "it's complicated" you have no business in an online dating site. I have had too many experiences and heard too many stories of those who went out with a guy who wasn't as single as he claimed to be

3. Save the baby mama/family drama for the soaps

4. You cannot be in love with a girl you just met, at the same time if you're too "hard to get" you're probably not single or want someone on the back burner

5. Try to be creative with an e-mail. If this is your e-mail "Hi." then, unless you have the most kick butt profile, i'm probably not going to respond

6. Accents are cute, admitting that you're looking for a green card no so much

7. Not all women want a marriage proposal and babies on the first date...yes, crazies are out there if you're looking for them, but nice girls just want a nice guy. On a side note, creativity will always win points on a date...especially a first date

8. being vague and not answering any questions isn't mysterious, it's just weird

9. Stop with the negativity already!

10. If you make it to the date, know that you've been exposed. We already know if a guy is interested, he makes time, he calls, he texts (in a non-stalkerish way of course).  All I can say is don't think I'm waiting around for you

1 comment:

  1. #3 AMEN!
    #6 No and the chances are that that's probably why
    #7 Please get me away from all of those
