Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Glee + Madonna = New Blog!!!

So, after last night’s episode of Glee “The Power of Madonna” I was inspired to write a little about what’s going on in my life after seeing the girls perform “Express Yourself.”

Things are a little crazy right now…as one would expect with a cross-country move just around the corner. Last week I was in NYC for a job interview and, of course, I got another first-hand glimpse of how classy guys are.

You never know how “appealing” you are until someone knows you’re in town for a few days/hours. Guy A texted me and willingly offered to hook it up and Guy B wasn’t far behind with a similar offer.

Now, both Guy A and B could be appealing for different reasons.
* Guy A is educated, driven, makes a good living, likes to travel, definitely an Alpha Male, good looking guy.
* Guy B is also educated, creative, an artist, likes to travel, not quite as aggressive as Guy A but still a take charge type.

Neither one are in a position to be in a relationship until they work on themselves. That was the case then and it’s still the case now. One has more baggage than an airport and the other makes Eeyore look cheerful.

Both are guys that I dated in the past and the romance fizzled out for way too many reason…I mean, it’s bad if you know the reasons before you break it off. I do feel that an ex is an ex for a reason, but this goes a lot further into the world of relationships.

While some would find the offer from these two flattering, I couldn’t have felt cheaper. Why should I lower my standards because you’re feeling a little lonely? Why should I allow myself to be objectified so you can get a release? I didn’t do it when we were talking, why would I do it now?

I hate to sound arrogant about it, but, to be quite honest; I’m just not at that level of boredom or loneliness. As my 20s come to an end, it’s time to prioritize. If you’re just after the physical relationship, that’s fine…no judgment here, but don’t fool yourself into thinking the physical leads to a real relationship. As many of us have come to realize, a guy rarely turns a booty call or hook up into a relationship.

As single people in the world, you really have to sit down and know yourself and what you are or are not willing to compromise. When you’re ready to find the real deal you have to ask yourself what you want and what you aren’t willing to compromise on.

It’s easy to look at your friends Facebook profiles and start freaking out because it feels like everyone is in a relationship, engaged, married, or having kids. I know it happened to me last night…I started thinking, when the hell did everyone grow up?! I still feel like I’m a 20-something in college. At the same time I refuse to let the pressure get to me.

I am in no way anti-marriage and would like to meet “the one” who just gets me, but I also know that if I jumped into a relationship without being ready, it would become another failed relationship and I deserve better than that…we all do.

As Madonna says, “Don’t go for second best baby, put your love to the test. You got to make him express how he feels and then you’ll know your love is real…”


  1. You know, you know, you've got to.... ;-)

  2. Here .. Here ... Z. I agree to a point .. I don't get the "when your ready" theme. How can you really know when you are ready? And from what Madonna said in the line you quoted, I totally agree that when you are in a relationship that you have to challenge and not just accept them, using what you have in mind as the idea special someone .. but there has to be a point that you stop challenging and start living with that person ... I can't help you with that point .. because I never learn when to say when. Just my take on it. Z ..

  3. Find yourself, then someone will find you.

    Maybe you're not ready? :)
