Thursday, April 8, 2010

The crazies always come back for more...

Let me begin by saying it’s always the ones you don’t want who keep coming back for more. So, the southern boy who disappeared from my life and de-friended me on Facebook has decided to resurface.

It began with some VERY random e-mail forwards. Ok, if you know me, you know how much I hate forwards…fortunately for him, the forwards were cute. So I replied with a “please stop sending me these forwards.” To which apparently meant “I’ve missed you, please e-mail and text me." I really need to work on my communication skills

Any way, he decided to proceed with contact. I of course don’t feel like wasting my time on another guy for the sake of male attention. Why set myself up for unproductive dating experiences. No dates is SO much better than the bad ones

To make things better, he is trying desperately to act as if nothing happened…as if we went out a few days ago instead of a few weeks ago. When he asked me how I was, I responded with a where did you disappear to. He of course said he had “things” he had to deal with (translation: Stuff with my ex-girlfriend/I wasn’t over my ex)

He has for two weeks now been trying to set up Coffee Date Round 2. The nice thing about getting ready to move across the country is that I don’t even have to make something up. I’m really busy.

I commend him for trying to set something up (speaking of, he’s texting as I type), but it’s too little too late. I mean, sure, a girl can let a week slide, but no self-respecting girl lets it go for 6 weeks only to go back to the guy for more…especially when the one and only date wasn’t so great.

This non-smoking, liberal, peace loving, hippie girl just can’t make it work with a smoking/hunting ultra conservative. Sure opposites can attract, but you have to have some commonalities.

I prefer a guy who isn’t going to fall off the face of the earth because I’m a girl he could see himself in a relationship with. I want the guy who sees the potential and sticks around.


  1. Amen sister - keep your eye out for the one who sticks around! Remember the blog I sent you about the guy who stood me up for coffee in Feb? He saw me on the dating site last week and instant messaged me BECAUSE HE FORGOT WHO I WAS! It was pretty special.

  2. oh, i've SO had that happen before. and then the guy is all "what? what's the big deal?"

    internet dating changes so many of the rules of dating that it's not even funny. the online chats, the TYPE of communication that happens when hiding behind the screen, and the fact that these guys now use their lack of memory as an excuse are riduculous.

  3. It's time to go back to NYC and hit up that profitable single scene. Peace out Texas!
