Saturday, December 5, 2009

Seriously...why even bother

Let me start by saything that I feel like I had my very own Carrie Bradshaw "Post It" send off.
So, I met this guy a few weeks ago and we finally decided to meet up on Thursday for a coffee (tea) thing before my meeting. The meet up was great, we hit it off like peas and carrots. We chatted after my meeting and decided to go on a "proper date" on Friday. We were both surprised by how well things were going.
Well, cold weather came through, the snow started, and that was the begining of the end. Some of the pipes in his building bursted, so already that caused a cancellation in our plans. No big deal, it was snowing, we closed early, these things happen. In fact, I would say some of the best things in life start out a little hectic and chaotic, but that's just me and we know that I'm a little quirky like that.
Any way, I digress. So we had fun e-mail exchange, chatted on the phone, talked about how bummed we were, and rescheduled for Saturday after my class, etc. Well, the story gets better. Those plans were done around say 1:30-2pm. All of a sudden I get an e-mail from him at 3:59pm that says:

Zahrah, our connection doesn't feel right to me.

The water is a wake up call.

It's time for me to say goodbye.

Thank you and good luck,
-mr. nutjob

Now I'm all about signs and symbols, but what about the fact that you made a connection with another person. It's hard to date or even make friends post-college, so you should take advantage when they come your way. I have done the girl thing of going through this over and over again in my head, but there's really nothing that I could have done differently. I mean, if he had said, "I'm not attracted to you," "I like someone else," "being around you made me realize that I'm gay," WHATEVER...would have made more sense.

How you go from I'm literally "I've been thinking about you since we met" to "our connection doesn't feel right" within three hours is so far beyond me. Oh well, at least there's something for your reading pleasure! I shall continue fighting the good


  1. How the hay is the water wake up call? This was a psychiatric call for help. Good riddance!

  2. I'm not sure it's a good thing or bad thing that you weren't doing this when you met me. I'm sure it would have been a fun read.

  3. Z,

    I tell yea, be grateful for your good blessings. This nut case, did you a favor, by not wasting anymore of your time. I agree with you, I had a similar situation myself about a year or so back, this coming from the land of online dating. We talked over the phone, a couple of times, which went well, then the actual date came along, and after that I never heard from them again. I wasn't hurt by it, because I came to the conclusion that its better now that i get kick to the curb, and waste whatever time i have on earth with this loser. Just my take on it. Give them the good fight, Z, there are plenty more losers out there, but there is one good one waiting to be discovered. Believe and have faith in that.

  4. Hrm, I have to agree with JA3.

    I've been on wonderful dates that ended up amounting to... nothing.

    But they were easier to get over.

    Que sera sera..



  5. Dearest Zahrah,
    I'd really like to ask you out for coffee because- well "being around you made me realize that I'm gay". OH WAIT! I'm not gay... I just like rainbows. Ahhhh, nevermind. (PS: I really do have a t-shirt that says, "I'm not gay... I just like rainbows! I love that shirt.)

  6. 1. Z, I kind of don't believe this.
    2. Except I know you don't lie.
    3. Am I the only one that does not understand "the water is a wake up call?" Is that an expression that I just don't know about? Someone explain.
    4. Melanie, I want that shirt.

  7. dear anne,
    i swear this is truth...i couldn't make this shiz up if i tried!!! "the water is a wake up call" isn't any kind of expression. it's what a nutty person says at the most unexpected times!
    i love all of your comments!

  8. Eh, I think he has a split personality. Don't waste your time on this guy -- he clearly doesn't know what he wants or what a great girl he's found! All I can say is hang in there...there IS someone wonderful out there for you, and he'll be worth it. :)

    Wishing you lots of luck in the dating world,
    Beta Sig sis, Jenn
