Tuesday, November 10, 2009

all my single ladies....

now put your hands up...lol...
so, here's the question out there, what is it about relationships and the quest to find someone that makes people with a healthy image, self included, feel the need to adapt or compromise who we are for someone who's not even that great?

It's worse when you watch someone who has very low self esteem. The lengths the women (and men) go through to get attention. We can't force someone to like or love us any more than we can stop the tides from rolling in. I see it over and over again...people who compromise appearance, attire, values, morals, etc. just to force a relationship that probably won't last because being in any relationship is better than being alone.

Don't get me wrong, you do compromise in relationships; however, your significant other shouldn't make you compromise who you are to make himself feel better. A healthy relationship (heck, life in general) is all about finding balance.

So where does this pressure for relationship come from? Society? Peers? Self? I think the hard pill for some to swallow in the south is that I'd rather be single and fabulous with great friends than in a mediocre relationship that makes me be less of me.


  1. Age also places a factor, the older you get the more bitter the loneliness pill is. So much to talk on the topic. You have a new active follower ... Z ... Smile.

  2. That's when you raise independent, strong minded, strong valued children so that they don't have to do that. When you're comfortable with yourself and who you are, then you are ready to be in a relationship and get it going. You have to compromise in a relationship no matter what, but that should be on your own terms, not someone else's.
