Friday, November 5, 2010

e-mail of the day -- a DIRECT copy of the e-mail


No, I cannot make this up

they always come back

So almost two months later guess who resurfaces…ah yes, the linebacker has resurfaced. It happened when I received a nice little “Hey bebe, how you doing” message. Of course he recently deleted his FB account. When I asked what happened he said it was complicated.

A wonder if complicated has a name…

linebacker part deux

Of course he slowly started backing up again. I’m starting to wonder what’s going on. I mean, I’m playing by the rules; I’m giving him space when he needs it, not being clingy, but he starts getting weird again. Then, I saw him the Wednesday before my birthday and all he could talk about were the big plans he had for us. Then Friday it went from nice restaurant (you know, the kind you have to wear a suit in) to some place that was a nice sit down. On Sunday morning (we were supposed to do dinner that night) it became, a text of “FML, I have to work, can’t do dinner”
In all honesty, I had a feeling this might happen given his track record and the distance he had been giving me. So I said ok, told him I was bummed, but said that we should try for something the coming week. He said that tomorrow was my birthday, he’s off, and we might be able to do something then. Now, I’m not one to put pressure on anyone, so we left it at that.
The guy knew Monday was my birthday, so I decided not to text back (I hate the “game” btw). Then Monday night, after a few birthday drinks and not hearing from him all day I decided to BBM him with a sarcastic “thanks for the birthday wishes”
Of course this never goes well. To make an already long story short, the last few lines went like this:
Me: I just don’t know why you’re acting so weird lately; it doesn’t take that long to send a text
Him: I’m just busy
Me: You know, the last time I knew a guy who was acting so weird I found out he had a girlfriend
Him: Ha! A girlfriend, yeah right
Me: Then clearly you’re just too busy, why don’t you text me when you have time
Him: It’s like Burger King, have it your way TTYL (he really did mention BK)

I'm thinking, did he SERIOUSLY JUST quote a burgerking commercial and i can't even bother to deal.

The next morning this fool deleted me out of his BBM contacts. When I ask him, so that's it, you're through? His response is no bebe, i'm not through with you...accusing me of having a girlfriend

Seriously?! I just can't deal. needless to say that one didn't go far.

Linebacker Part uno

So I started dating a really nice guy who we are calling the linebacker because the dude is huge. He was a really nice guy, but I have to say, while I don’t need a lot of time, I do ask for some time in my relationship. It started off with lots of texts, chats, and hang outs. Then it went to being like pulling teeth just to get him to hang out.
I know what you’re thinking, just let it go? So I tried, I told him that if he wasn’t feeling this, it’s fine, just be honest and we’ll cut our ties while we’re ahead. Of course he was like, “no babe, I’m busy, you don’t understand, etc.” I’m not questioning his schedule, but if experience has taught me anything it’s that a guy who’s interested always makes time.
So I backed off and he went on vacation. Then, he got back from vacation and it was like a new person. I’m thinking…wow, he must have missed me! He was calling, he added me to his BBM list (which he hadn’t done the previous month or so), we went out several times a week. He started making plans for the next few months, he teased me for not having a fur hooded jacket (gross), and told me that I was missing out on all these New York experiences. Then, around my birthday, he suggested taking me out to a really nice dinner for my birthday (his suggestion, NOT mine). We were making progress for a few weeks, so I’m thinking wow; he should go on vacation more often.

Stay tuned for the next installment